Sending bulk messages to recipients is simple using the PUSH service.
1. The first step is to open Push – Voice & SMS Broadcast and click Compose Message to compose your message
2. Click Recipients to enter your recipients contact number. You can do this either by typing in the number manually.
3. Or you can do add recipients by selecting one of your Saved Groups. Saved groups are contacts saved in the People app on the platform.
4. Click Select Sender ID to select a sender ID. Default Sender ID is Esoko however you can request for a personalized sender ID via the +Sender ID button.
5. Default Sender ID is Esoko however you can request for a personalized sender ID via the +Sender ID button.
6. Click Send Now
7. Click Proceed
8. That’s it. You’re done.
Here’s an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **